Preissac – La Corne Lithium
The Preissac-Lacorne Property is located in the Province of Quebec, in Abitibi, in the municipalities of La Corne, Saint-Marc-de-Figuery, La Motte and Landrienne on NTS maps 32C05 and 32D08. The Preissac-La Corne project is located adjacent to paved highway 111, 38 kilometers north of the town of Val-d’Or and approximately 30 kilometers south of Amos or 30 kilometers southwest of the village of Barraute.
The property consists of a set of 161 mining claims which covers surveyed intra-municipal lots, and is composed of three distinct blocks informally named here: the main Preissac-La Corne block, the Duval Lithium block and the La Motte block. The total surface area of the area is 7173 hectares.
The lands are on government and private land and are covered by forest, lakes and rivers. The overburden has a thickness varying from 0 to 13 metres according to the data of the historical drilling carried out on the property.
The territory under consideration occupies the lower part of the Superior Province, especially the southern area of the Abitibi sub-province. The Preissac ‐ La Corne batholith is the predominant geology and covers an approximate surface of 415 km ². The latter, made up of a syn- to late-kinematic plutonic ensemble, was set up along the anticline of La Pause in mafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks and sediments that make up the rocks of the Jacola Formations, La Motte ‐ Vassan, Dubuisson and de Caste as well as those of the Aurora Group.
Abitibi Greenstone Belt Quebec, Canada
The Preissac‐La Corne sector is crossed by numerous pegmatites and aplites, which seem to have been placed in the fractures and joints. They consist of albite, potassium feldspar, quartz, muscovite, garnet, beryl, spodumene, molybdenite and colombo-tantalite.
The core of the main Preissac-La Corne block is covered by the granite and pegmatite facies of the La Corne batholith of composition ranging from diorite-tonalite to monzonite and monzogranite. The La Motte blocks straddle the contact zone between the La Corne batholith to the NE and the Preissac batholith to the SE. The Duval Lithium block straddles the contact zone between the La Motte batholith to the north and the Preissac batholith to the south.
The property contains the direct occurrences or immediate extensions of the following showings or deposits that were discovered between 1948 to 2010 by the mining industry.
In March 2021, Jourdan Resources Inc. carried out an airborne geophysical magnetic survey on the main Preissac-La Corne Property.
From April 22 to 25, 2021, a ground prospecting campaign was carried out on the Preissac-Lacorne property. The property is still at an early stage of exploration.
The Preissac-La Corne property covers three (3) underexplored prospective areas that include series of showings which host significant amounts of mineralization in Lithium (Li) Molybdenum (Mo), Cesium (Cs), Rubidium (Rb), Tantale (Ta), Niobium (Nb) and Berylium (Be) associated with granite and pegmatite.
SOURCE FOR GEOLOGY MAPS: Government of Quebec = Ressources naturelles et Forêts website at
Grassroots Potential along the Vallée Lithium Trend
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